Cadence Court
This is a design for Cadence Court by Sassafras Lane. The digital design is approximately 60” x 60“. You can make a whole-cloth quilt with this design. The design comes in two options. One is with segments where you do not have to place each block separately and the other is block by block. No segment is taller than 12“.
This Set Includes;
- Complete design of the whole-cloth quilt including the background.
- Nine segments (A-I)
- One Center Half (mirror image the design to quilt the bottom half.
- One Center Motif. Rotate the motif by 60 degrees, 6 times to complete the center.
- Twelve blocks (A-G)
- Block A, E, F and G come with two options each. Choose the ones you like.
- Thirteen diamond designs. Diamond 4 (or 16) has two options to choose from.
- Diamonds 01 (or 13), 2 (or 14) and 7 (or 19) also come in split options for better placement.
- Three designs to make the background.
- Printable PDF with detailed diagrams/Guide for placement.
Formats Included : BQM, CQP, DXF, HQV, HQF, IQP, PAT, PLT, QCC, QLI, SSD, and TXT.
If you have a Handi-quilter, you can open the designs in HQV format and use the X/Y coordinate feature in Pro-Stitcher to make the designs move to their assigned position. You can learn more about it here