Splendor by VG
Splendor: Designed by Valeria Guimaraes and digitized by Cee Theo
This is a design for a whole cloth quilt 42” x 42” in dimensions. All segments and blocks are under 12“. The quilt has to be turned sideways to quilt the segments F and G or blocks 05 (or 06), 07 and 09 on the sides. Designed on x/y zero position, If you have prostitcher with HQ, you can open the designs in HQV format and use the X/Y coordinate feature in Pro-Stitcher to make the designs move to their assigned position. You can learn more about it here
This Set includes;
- Complete design of the whole-cloth quilt in one file.
- Seven segments (A-G)
- Twelve individual blocks (01-09)
- PDF file with placement guide
- PDF with outlines to be traced on the fabric.
Formats Included : BQM, CQP, DXF, HQV, HQF, IQP, PAT, PLT, QCC, QLI, SSD, and TXT.